Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Day in the Park, Vintage French Painting

 I found this painting at a brocante in the south of France. It looks like it was part of a larger work which was cut into pieces (you can see a pencil line down the right side) A sad thought, but a wonderful painting none the less and still very frame worthy. It measures 13 1/2" by 10 3/4"
The painter obviously had talent if not training, the mom and her children are lovingly rendered and the garden statues and fencing are done in amazing detail.
 The last picture is of the back, it is oil on board, you can see the fresh marks where the painting was broken into (at least) 3 parts. I fell in love with it at the brocante, and across the pond it came. It is now in my etsy shop (www.etsy.com/listing/102430880/oil-painting-on-board-vintage-or-antique) and will be in my booth at Brimfield in July.


  1. Hi Jackie
    Wow... This painting is just beautiful.. No signature? I don't see one.. What a shame.. Exquisite work... Very detailed yet soft.. I love the choice of colors here.. Wonderful Artist.. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. How beautiful!
    How are you handling the heat?!!
