Saturday, October 15, 2011

Perfect to me...

A few months ago I happened upon a blog by NY Designer Andrew Baseman. Titled "Past Imperfect" it showcased pieces of antique porcelain that had been repaired...with staples. Yes, you read that right, with staples. Example:

Baseman, an esthete with impeccable taste, has gathered together a breathtaking collection of antique porcelain pieces that are repaired with metal staples or bits of tin, giving them with a new lease on life. The finished work was both useful once again and faintly curious, "whimsical" is how Baseman see's them.
Strips of tin secure a once broken handle to an otherwise perfectly usable teacup...

These pieces are imbued with a deep sense of substance and soul.
For more information and spectacular images of Andrew Baseman's collection visit:


  1. That is amazing. Perfectly imperfect and imperfectly perfect all at the same time. Sorry - can't chat - off to visit Mr. Baseman... ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. I absolutely love things that have been repaired and kept in service! Great post!

  3. Jackie I am a new follower I found you through a sweet telephone conversation with my dear friend The Crank Crow , I look forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you better such a beautiful blog indeed ! Have a wonderful weekend! hugs lilraggedyangie

  4. Oh my...always a fan of repairs like these...on wooden ware, crockery, textiles, etc. These examples are fabulous Jackie! it all. Thanks for the link! :)
